"Who are u?": I felt i heard someone ask me, i frisked my shoulders as if it's got d reply to d question. I was astounded and astonished not because of the question bearer's question but because of the dexterity with which the question was asked. Obviously, the question achieved its purpose, catch me off guard, make me fidget and like a broken string of a guitar, made me look like a marooned sailor on an unfamiliar island. I had no intent on how to answer the question. Somehow, i was really beginning to feel i didn't know who i am, the question had played itself more than a hundred times in my head.... Suddenly, my head woke up from its initial slumber and like a man possessed with too much of everything , i fired back at my invisible questioner: "You don't know me at all! You don't know who i am! You don't have an idea of the magnitude of power conferred on me!
You don't have an iota of knowledge of the inner me! You don't at all".... Then i began to rant:"Liken me to the palm tree that took many years to grow and when it does, no matter the wind, no matter the storm, it would only bend me to its worst but not to its elastic point. I get stronger at that point you had me bent to....You claim i bow when the wind blows but You failed to mention that i get back upright even when all others remain bent. My height underneath is larger than the surface you judge me by....cos while the others spring forth when they see little nutrients, i go down deeper 2 attain my independence and autonomy from little nutrients, that's why the hurricanes can't sweep me off my feet, that's why the winds can't give me a bent figure, that's why d earthquakes can't sink me....
Liken me to the Chinese bamboo, i take 9 years to sprout and when i do, you can't see my head anymore in 9 months, yet you claimed to b taller than me and told your friends "He'll never grow"....
Liken me to that little mustard seed that grew up to become a mighty oak tree, remember you almost threw me away because you felt i was too little to become something for you tomorrow.....
Liken me to the 1st African to lead the United states,....(so easy to say,i guess).....
Liken me to the cat with nine lives....you won't get me down until i decide it's time up..i'm allergic to defeat but will give you one to get my rest...
Liken me to the chameleon, extra powerful abilities lie in me to re-edit myself when i foresee danger......
Liken me to the shell of some creatures, you don't know how heavy i am so you can't call me a burden.....
Liken me to the richest man who ever lived, embedded with so much that kings, queens, head of states, paramount rulers et al, in the world seek his counsel,....imagine d extent of his wisdom! Do u have a tenth of that?" .......that's only part of who i am. Its your turn now,....who are you?
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